This box plot displays the total percentage of undergraduate students infected with COVID-19 by the end of the Fall 2020 semester by mode of instruction. Unsurprisingly, institutions with in-person modes of instruction had higher medians of total student infections than those with hybrid or online learning. The fully in-person mode of instruction also exhibits the highest variance of the percentage of students infected. The undergraduate student population comes from IPEDS Fall 2019 undergraduate enrollment and the COVID-19 case numbers are from the New York Times “Tracking COVID-19 at U.S. Colleges and Universities” GitHub repository. It is important to note that the NYT data set accounts for all cases reported by colleges and universities, not just undergraduate students. This varies by institution and could include faculty, staff, and graduate students, but using the undergraduate student population was the best proxy to calculate the infection percentage.
Data Analyst: Garnet Brown
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